Post-traumatic stress disorder is caused by significant trauma in a person’s life that is left unresolved. While PTSD is commonly associated with members of the military, anyone who has experienced trauma in life can develop PTSD at any age. PTSD is classified as an anxiety disorder in which a person’s normal response to danger becomes distorted. After going through a traumatic event, the affected individual may be triggered and have a fight-or-flight response long after the event has passed.

PTSD therapies are aimed at managing the symptoms of the disorder and helping the affected individual to better understand the causes. Some common symptoms that affect the lives of people living with PTSD include:

  • Night terrors
  • Flashbacks
  • Avoidance
  • Emotional numbness
  • Indifference

Using a combination of selected therapies we can work together to help resolve symptoms of PTSD.  If you are interested to enquire I am offering a free half hour consultation – you can sign up on my webpage today.

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