Thought Field Therapy™ (TFT) is an energy-based form of psychotherapy designed to reduce symptoms of psychological distress by manipulating how energy flows in the body. TFT is based on the premise that bodies consist of energy fields and that imbalances in this system cause physical and emotional issues. It is thought imbalances can be corrected by finger tapping specific energy points in certain sequences in order to restore an individual’s health and wellness. Some claim TFT produces rapid, lasting results in the treatment of various psychological conditions, including phobias, addictions, anxiety, trauma, and depression.

TFT is an extremely effective tapping technique that provides a code to unlock nature’s healing system, bringing rapid relief to all kinds of emotional and psychological distresses. It’s a drug free, gentle and non-invasive method of literally tapping into the body’s energy system to allow natural healing.

Dr Roger Callahan (creator and developer of TFT), a distinguished American Clinical Psychologist, discovered TFT nearly thirty years ago. Dr Callahan suggests that whenever we think of anything we ‘tune in’ to an individual ‘thought field’ and when we feel distressed, there is a disruption or ‘perturbation’ in the thought field that triggers that distress. By tapping on specific sequences of acupuncture points along the body’s meridian energy lines, while thinking about the issues causing the distress, the perturbations can be eliminated and the distress can start to disappear within minutes.

With a success rate of up to 95% and a permanence rate of up to 99% TFT is rapidly growing in notability throughout the UK with therapist and public alike and has been used with great success by Paul McKenna on Sky One’s “I Can Change Your Life” and “Paul McKenna Will Make You Thin”.

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