Showing: 3 RESULTS

The Disney Model

During my training to become a world class trainer of NLP I was fortunate to experience the teachings of a technique now known as the Disney Model.  Walt Disney was very successful at turning fantasies into reality. The Disney Creativity Strategy was modelled and developed as an NLP tool by NLP pioneer and author, Robert …

The secrets of happiness

Richard Bandler co-creator of NLP Richard Wayne Bandler (born 1950[1]) is an American author and consultant in the field of self-help. With John Grinder, he founded the neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) approach to psychotherapy in the 1970s. Bandler was born in Teaneck, New Jersey and attended high school in Sunnyvale, California.[2]:24 He has stated that he …

Overcome limiting beliefs

    “Our beliefs may not exist in our conscious minds as obvious directives. They may be so invisible in our thinking that we are hardly aware of them at all;  however they clearly direct all our actions and decisions to a particular outcome.  The outcome may be not our conscious choice or intention.  Limiting …