When a smoker contacts me there are at the point in their smoking life where they realise they are getting very little back from their habit. Smoking is robbing them of their money and more importantly their health. I’ve seen hundreds of smokers over the years and whilst they very rarely have any immediate illnesses directly related to their smoking, they don’t realise how much better they’d feel if they respected their body rather than polluting it. Plus of course it’s the fear of what might lay in store if they continue to smoke.

There are many ways to quit, from nicotine patches and gum, Alan Carr, to the more recently popular e-cigarettes. People come to see me when they’ve tried most other methods but they realise substituting cigarettes for something else isn’t a long term solution, dealing with the habit behind it is.

Hypnotherapy helps overcome a smoker’s psychological habit. Habits get learned; we’re not born knowing how to do most things. Smoking is just another habit you learned (like driving a car, tying your shoelaces) but it doesn’t mean you can’t unlearn it. So if you really want to stop smoking, then one session of hypnotherapy with me could be all you need to help you succeed. It should be easier than relying on willpower alone (although you do still need your own motivation to succeed) but I’ll help give you an immediate boost and kick in the right direction. At the end of it you should be feeling like a non-smoker not an ex-smoker and feeling confident this is for life.

Are there other benefits of quitting that I’ll notice right away?

Kicking the tobacco habit offers some other rewards that you’ll notice right away and some that will show up over time.

Right away you’ll save the money you spent on tobacco. And here are just a few other benefits you may notice:

  • Food tastes better.
  • Your sense of smell returns to normal.
  • Your breath, hair, and clothes smell better.
  • Your teeth and fingernails stop yellowing.
  • Ordinary activities (for example, climbing stairs or light housework) leave you less out of breath.
  • You can be in smoke-free buildings without having to go outside to smoke.

Quitting also helps stop the damaging effects of tobacco on how you look, including premature wrinkling of your skin, gum disease, and tooth loss.

Quit smoking – NHShttps://www.nhs.uk/

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