The current condition of insulin resistance and weight gain

Weight gain is a signal that something is wrong and will-power alone won’t fix this, neither will YO-YO and fad diets,  it’s now time to delve deeper into the real problem at heart.

The Problem is the condition of insulin resistance (cells rejecting insulin)

This is a condition whereby the cell’s receptors  are no longer absorbing insulin and thus not able to receive any nutrients and the cells are starving and you will have cravings for carbohydrates. The cycle of the cell sending a message to the pancreas for more insulin creates  5 to  7 times more insulin in the body than normal. Damage is being done to the various organs and cells due to this condition.

Carbohydrates are then converted to sugar and the body stores this as fat. Overeating and chronic consumption of carbohydrates is the creation of insulin resistance.  With this constant feeling of cravings and hunger (cells starving) you are now trapped in a cycle of weight gain and potential serious damage to your body, which is increasing more and more over time. You will experience a raising of blood sugars with insulin resistance.

How to reverse this serious problem

We need to fix this underlying dietary issue in order to manage our bodies to realise our healthy self as all dieting and exercise will fail if the underlying insulin resistance is not fixed.  Healthy eating habits and  a diet free of carbohydrates alongside intermittent fasting and healthy keto will take on average 4 to 12 months to reverse this condition. 

How to recognise that your efforts are working

  1. Longer between meals as your hunger is going away and you feel satisfied when you eat a healthy meal
  2. Blood pressure going down
  3. Good blood sugars check your results with the HOMA-IR blood sugar test kit.
  4. Higher energy levels without Carbohydrates cravings
  5. Weight gain reducing alongside your Belly fat

Working together to help make this change from insulin resistance to a healthy new you can transform your life permanently.  Life Solutions offers more than just dietary support as I can work alongside you to  change disempowering beliefs for example using a combination of techniques such as NLP and hypnotherapy.  This can  give you extra support along your journey towards regaining your healthy new self.

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