Showing: 15 RESULTS


Hypnosis is both natural and powerful My point is that hypnosis happens naturally. It’s so much more than a controversial stage trick or a complementary therapy. Without understanding the central role that trance plays in human life, we can barely understand ourselves or other people at all.What’s more, we can use this amazing natural force …

Create the life you desire

Coaching       ‘what is coaching and its benefits’   The essence of coaching is:   To help a person change in the way they wish and help them go in the direction they want to go. Coaching supports a person at every level in becoming who they want to be. Coaching builds awareness, …

Overcome limiting beliefs

    “Our beliefs may not exist in our conscious minds as obvious directives. They may be so invisible in our thinking that we are hardly aware of them at all;  however they clearly direct all our actions and decisions to a particular outcome.  The outcome may be not our conscious choice or intention.  Limiting …

Diet & Nutrition

How much food do I need to have a healthy diet? A healthy diet should provide us with the right amount of energy (calories or kilojoules), from foods and drinks to maintain energy balance. Energy balance is where the calories taken in from the diet are equal to the calories used by the body. We need …

Self esteem & emotional wellbeing

Wellness – Why not complete a mini course where we can tailor a combination of NLP and hypnotherapy together with personal coaching to create a life plan which can help you be your best healthy self in all areas of your life. How much food do I need to have a healthy diet? A healthy …

To gain your healthy weight creates in the individual an improved good feeling of happiness. The most important steps within this process are to ensure that good health is gained by managing the quality of food which is consumed. There is mu ch to be gained by feeling energised when eating a healthy amount of calories and enjoying the meals which you make. Unhealthy starvation diets do just that and can dangerously deplete the body of vital nutrients. My phylosophy is to gain your healthy weight in order to be just that. Learning how to prepare tasty healthy foods and monitoring the vital nutrients within each meal rather than calorie counting. By eating healthy good nutricious food for life you can have the ideal weight, but more over stop yoyo diets and binge eating. Learn how cravings can be a symptom of nutrient deficiencies and ensure that all vital minerals are included within your daily diet. Excercise for where you are at and avoiding unrealistic strain and burnout situations which proove only to hinder your motivation on the track back to enjoyable health. I can work with each individual to design a plan which suits you and offer packages which support you through each of your challenges and achievements. If it's possible in the world it's possible for you and it's only a matter of how.

Weight Loss

When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me: when I hear the buzz of the little world among the

Time Line Therapy ™

About The Book Written by Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall, Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality is a compelling study of the important elements that make up a person’s core personality, and a detailed exploration of – and introduction to – how Time Line therapy works in practice. Utilizing discoveries made by Richard …


Potential Benefits of Counselling improved communication and interpersonal skills. greater self-acceptance and self-esteem. ability to change self-defeating behaviours/habits. better expression and management of emotions, including anger. relief from depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions. Book Your Free Consultation – click below More info