Showing: 8 RESULTS

Reversing Insulin Resistance

The current condition of insulin resistance and weight gain Weight gain is a signal that something is wrong and will-power alone won’t fix this, neither will YO-YO and fad diets,  it’s now time to delve deeper into the real problem at heart. The Problem is the condition of insulin resistance (cells rejecting insulin) This is …

Rare Purple Honey

A great Christmas gift for those who love purple Honey Colour and Flavour – It all depends on where the bees buzz The colour and flavour of honeys differ depending on the nectar source (the blossoms) visited by the honey bees. In fact, there are more than 300 unique types of honey available in the United …

The Heart-Brain Connection

Familiar phrases such as “my heart goes out to them”, “it just came to me when I wasn’t even thinking about it” and many more which I’m sure you can recall.  Sometimes you just get a feeling in the area of our chest where your heart is. This is usually followed with a thought to …

How mushrooms can save the world

Paul Stamets, D.Sc (Hon.), is the founder of Fungi Perfecti and Host Defense Mushrooms, and has been a dedicated mycologist for over forty years. He is a truly fascinating individual whose work is both pioneering and brilliant. Watch the video for a fascinating experience Book Your Free Consultation – click below More info

Smoking Cessation

When a smoker contacts me there are at the point in their smoking life where they realise they are getting very little back from their habit. Smoking is robbing them of their money and more importantly their health. I’ve seen hundreds of smokers over the years and whilst they very rarely have any immediate illnesses …