Covid 19 has had a direct impact on  self-employed individuals, with repeated lockdowns resulting in businesses struggling and thus creating much suffering.  Many people have experienced feelings of  stress and anxiety as they have had to face new challenges and in some situation people have lost their business too.  Running your own business can be a very lonely place and never has there been such a time of ongoing uncertainty and adjustment possibly since the last world war.  Many individuals have felt very isolated during Covid 19 and not been able to share their feelings and thoughts about the impact on their business, often this has affected family life too.

Why not take time out to chat and enjoy finding new resourceful solutions and healthy ways to relax and feel good again.  We can work together to put stresses behind you and start to see which opportunities will help you to move towards a happier new future.  We can work together on many strategies and find the resources needed in order to assist you going forward both personally and for your business too.  We can also work together with partner and family support.

Use this opportunity to enquire with the free half hour consultation and choose to move from a stuck state of despair and towards possibility and positivity.

Book Your Free Consultation – click below

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