The speed at which the sugar from the moment it touches your tongue and then connects to the reward part of the brain is 600 milliseconds, that’s just less than half a second. This means that they are 20 times faster than if you were to smoke a cigarette and have nicotine enter the brain. These foods are more addicting than alcohol, smoking or even drugs.  The data from food companies has been suppressed and in particular suppressed the research with sugar. They have influenced various laws to prevent being sued in the event of any side effects from fast/processed food sold to the people of the world. 


  1. HAZARDOUS USE – is the substance dangerous to yourself or others can you overdose on it 
  2. SOCIAL OR INTERPERSONAL – social or interpersonal problems related to use relationship problems or conflict with others 
  3. NEGLECTED MAJOR ROLES – Major roles or neglecting work responsibilities at work, school or home
  4. WITHDRAWAL – When you stop using the substance you experience withdrawal symptoms well this is obvious with sugar.
  5. TOLERANCE- You have built up a tolerance to the substance so you have to use it more to get the same effect. Sugar and processed foods are certain.
  6. USE LARGER AMOUNTS -Same effect thats but having to use larger amounts and for longer periods.  Again sugar and processed foods
  7. REPEATED ATTEMPTS TO CONTROL USE OR QUIT -You have tried to cut down many times and found that this is near impossible and start to use additive foods again.
  8. MUCH TIME IS SPENT USING THE ADDICTIVE FOODS – You are using lots of time using addictive foods and craving certain foods such as sugar. Snacking and binge eating too.
  9. PHYSICAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS RELATED TO ADDICTIVE FOODS – Such as liver damage  which would be for example fatty liver or lung cancer. You may also suffer anxiety or depression which can be related to processed foods.
  10. GIVING UP ACTIVITIES – Skipped doing activities due to the consumption of the foods.  Milk causing weight gain and illness such as asthma and cancer, sugar causing obesity and diabetes, 
  11. CRAVINGS – You have experienced cravings for certain food leading to binging and impulsive eating.

You only need just two to three of the above to have an addiction classed as a mild substance disorder, four to five and this is considered moderate and if you meet six or more criteria then you have a severe substance use disorder. SUGAR AND PROCESSED FOODS ARE DEFINITELY ADDICTIONS. Suggested reading: Hooked by Micheal Moss.