Showing: 3 RESULTS

Thought Field Therapy Clinical Applications

This is a preprint of the article published in a special issue* of Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57(10), pp.1215-1227 in October 2001, without peer review but with an invited critical review by Jeffrey M. Lohr, pp.1229-1235. Caroline Sakai, Ph.D. David Paperny, M.D. Marvin Mathews, M.D. Greg Tanida, M.S.W. Geri Boyd, M.S.W. Alan Simons, M.S., APRN-Rx …

How hypnosis works: The dream/REM connection

Hypnosis used well can help us heal faster,2 leave depression behind,3 and overcome physical afflictions4 as well as emotional problems such as addictions.5,6 It can lessen physical pain,7 improve performance in sports,8 and even strengthen our muscles9 – all from our armchair! So hypnosis is clearly amazing! But what exactly is it? The mystery at …

It’s estimated that 10 million people worldwide have used tapping

What’s so exciting is how incredibly quickly it can alleviate issues like depression, anxiety and insomnia, as well severe PTSD, physical pain, even illness. Read about the science and research behind Tapping. See how Tapping has been used for Stress and Trauma Relief with Survivors of the Genocide in Rwanda. See how Tapping has been …